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Saya cuma orang biasa yg menulis buah fikiran sendiri dan segala yg ditulis tidak bermaksud utk dikaitkan, mengaitkan sesiapa...

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Some words are better left unspoken

I am very lucky to have so many cheerleaders in my life. Be it my family or my close friends. I know their intention is good and sincere. But sometimes, you have to stand on your on feet and make your own decision.

An advice by a very dear and close friend, sometimes we, ladies have to wear the pant. Why don't you just ask him, whether he feel the same. I am thinking this over and over again. I feel tempted to do so.

Yes...but I value our friendship more than anything else. We come from same circle of friends. Just imagine that he says he feel nothing towards me except as friend. Can you feel the awkwardness every time for friend get together or when we meet or any related event? I rather wait and take thing one at a time rather than sacrifice our friendship.

Like the saying, Some things are better left unsaid. Some strings are better left undone. Some hearts are better left unbroken. Some lives are better left untouched. Some lies are better off believed and some words are better left unspoken...

Sunday, July 26, 2015

The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini - A Review

The version of this book that I have picked up is 10th Anniversary Edition. The book was 1st published in 2013. Though more than 10 years has gone, in my opinion the book stil relevant. Warning: this review may contain spoiler.

The story of 2 boys (unknown to them,they are related by blood), Amir, the privileged son of powerful businessman and Hassan, the illiterate servant. They are of the same age and lived in the same household. The story goes on how they treat each other. The story depict their personal struggle because of their culture and upbringing in  Afghanistan.

The book told story in the eye of Amir, where at a point of time has to struggle with his guilt. Then, how this privileged boy has to exile from his own country to America and live life of ordinary person with his father. The differences and struggle as a teenager in that country and turning into adult has changed him.

Coming back to Afghanistan and the search has turn him and his perspective. How he found out who is Hassan, the kite runner and what happen to him and Amir's beloved country.

I think too much spoiler is not good...Happy reading. I love reading this book so much as I have started reading it again. Happy weekend!

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Morning Rain...

Morning rain....Especially in kampung always remind me how sometimes you just need to be calm and empty your mind. How beautiful the nature is and how you can find your inner peace just looking at the creation of the Mighty Allah.

It reminds me that some things you just can't plan. Just need to let it be with force of the nature i.e at the hand of Allah. Doesn't matter how good is your plan but if it is not mean to be, it wouldn't happen.

I try my best to take things one at a time. Day by day. Yes, future planning is important but in matter of heart, you just need to sit back, do whatever in your power and let the fate take the course.

Years after years, I might said I never find someone that I consider as my soulmate or true love indeed...since early twenties, I may said it only a number of crushes and we still friends and they have their own family and I am happy for them. There may be an occasion that I thought I  fell in love with this cute guy, a friend of mine. My heart skip every time he said hi and stop by for conversation. But as time goes, the feeling has gone. We both move on though both of us remain single and unattached. Maybe it just one of my crushes...

Things might be different now, when you look around and see that your circle of friends starting to build their own family and you are the only one unattached, it just make you wandering...will I find my soulmate? I don't need someone to fend or defend me as I am capable of doing so myself. Maybe things are different now as I am getting older. I just need someone to guide me, love me unconditionally, maybe someone to pick on and have a little fight, someone to stimulate my intelligence.

I don't know...maybe I have found the person, the one. Lately, I am getting confused. Did I just smitten by him or I have fall in love head over heel with his wit, funny jokes, how he stand up and defend his friends, his dedication to his works or his compassion to others. Did he feel the same or I just confused with the friendly treatment that he gave? or I just think too much? I always pray to the All Mighty Allah to show me the right things to do and to guide me... As a woman, I think I give enough hints and signal to him. Like the saying goes, if its meant to be it will be if not then its time to move on.

As I said before, let take a step at a time. There always light at the end of the tunnel. There always sunshine after the rain and the always calm after the storm. Just be thankful for whatever you have as you never know how long you will be blessed with it

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Touched by an Angel

Touched by an Angel

We, unaccustomed to courage
exiles from delight
live coiled in shells of loneliness
until love leaves its high holy temple
and comes into our sight
to liberate us into life.

Love arrives
and in its train come ecstasies
old memories of pleasure
ancient histories of pain.
Yet if we are bold,
love strikes away the chains of fear
from our souls

We are weaned from our timidity
In the flush of love's light
we dare be brave
And suddenly we see
that love costs all we are
and will ever be.
Yet it is only love
which sets us free

-Maya Angelou-

Monday, October 22, 2012

"The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn and change."
- Carl Rogers-

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Entri pembersihan blog yang besawang (^^,)

Lama betul tak update...dah besawang-sawang dah blog ni...

Hujung minggu ni baru bebas daripada membawa balik kerja-kerja pejabat ke rumah. Jadi bermulalah aktiviti mengvakum, mengemas, membasuh, mengemop dan segala-bala kerja pembersihan secara intensif. Iyalah minggu lepas menjaga booth pejabat sempena IGEM2012 di KLCC. Terasa Insaf pulak. Terkenangkan apa sumbangan diri ini untuk memastikan kelestarian sumber semulajadi yang makin berkurangan. Jadi sebagai orang yang bekerja dalam industri perkhidmatan air, pesanan saya gunakan air dengan berhemah. Setiap titis air yang digunakan adalah diambil daripada generasi akan datang (cewah macam iklan khidmat masyarakat plak.btw, itu iklan korporat pejabat saya...hehe)

Dalam kesibukan 2,3 bulan kebelakangan ini dengan isu-isu yang telah menjadi nanah & kudis...(penekanan adalah daripada pandangan saya sendiri) sempatlah membuat biskut coklat chip resepi yang diperolehi daripada kawan pejabat yang diambil daripada website puan siti delima. Ini gara-gara setelah merasa biskut yang telah dibuat oleh kawan pejabat tu sangat sedap, jadi dengan jayanya telah mencuba resepi biskut tu...

SAlah satu sebabnya adalah nak mencuba Convection Cooker (gambar) yang telah dibeli secara on-line pada bulan puasa lepas.Saya ni memang pelik sikit. Suka lari daripada mainstream. Orang lain beli oven biasa, saya beli convection cooker. Convection cooker ini masak menggunakan suhu/udara panas yang berpusing dalam bekas kaca tu...Sebelum ni, hanya bakar puff, biskut susu, ayam, goreng nugget (boleh digunakan untuk menggoreng). Cooker ini memang sangat bagus bagi yang menjaga diet/pemakanan kerana kita boleh goreng makanan yg sepatutnya deep fried dengan hanya melumurkan minyak pada makanan yang hendak digoreng dan diletakkan di atas tray.

Terleka dengan bayangan biskut yang sedap tu, saya terlupa untuk mengubah suhu. Cooker ini sebenarnya menjimatkan elektrik. Kalau ingin masak masa yang sama dengan oven biasa, suhunya perlu diturunkan 20-30%. Saya terlupa agaknya nak turunkan suhu, biskut saya terlebih garing dan berwarna coklat gelap. Nasib baik tak hangit. Kesilapan ini hanya disedari selepas tray kedua telah masak...huhu..Jjadi biskut ni saya segan nak bawa ke pejabat dan saya jadikan sarapan saya...hehe

Ini adalah entri merepek. Insya Allah entri seterusnya adalah tentang review buku yang saya memang lama dah baca. Sebenarnya dah baca lebih 2 kali, mengenai penyiasat kegemaran saya, Sherlock Holmes. Buku ini bertajuk House of Silk dan penulisnya diberi kebenaran oleh waris Sir Arthur Conan Doyle untuk menyambung cerita penyiasat Inggeris ini.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Makanan Minda

Bila terbaca posting Sis Epit, saya pun terfikir…betul saya bersetuju dengan pendapat beliau. Membaca adalah satu kecintaan. Pada saya membaca itu satu kegilaan. Kalau bukan satu kegilaan takkan saya sanggup berhabisan ratusan RM setiap tahun membeli buku-buku penulis kegemaran saya, buku-buku bukan fiksyen, majalah dan sebagainya.

Pada pendapat saya terdapat dua jenis bahan bacaan. Satu saya kategorikan sebagai bacaan berat (atau ilmiah) dan satu lagi saya kategorikan bacaan ringan (istilah saya kepada Sis Epit “Junk Reading”). Saya tidak anti kepada salah satu jenis bacaan ini. Malah saya membaca kedua-duanya sekali. Contoh bacaan berat seperti karya yang perlukan kita berfikir semasa membaca kerana maksudnya tidak terdapat secara prima facie atau on the face (maaf… kalau dah berlatar belakangkan pendidikan undang-undang, maka istilah-istilahperundangan selalu akan digunakan…hehe). Maka, terpaksalah pembaca berfikir apa maksud disebalik penceritaan penulis tersebut. Contohnya seperti karya-karya Usman Awang, A. Samad Said atau penulis kontemporari seperti Faisal Tehrani.

Kategori kedua iaitu bacaan ringan atau junk reading. Contoh yang mudah majalah-majalah hiburan, buku-buku chic lit atau buku-buku pop fiksyen yang laris di kedai-kedai buku main stream. Saya sendiri membaca Majalah Galaxie, Cleo, meminati juga Sophie Kinsella. 

Pada saya pembacaan kedua-dua jenis bahan bacaan ini perlu diseimbangkan. Terlalu membaca banyak majalah hiburan pun tidak membina minda. Bagi saya, selepas menghabiskan sesuatu bacaan berat atau ilmiah, saya perlukan satu bacaan ringan kerana kepala saya akan menjadi sesak dengan maklumat-maklumat daripada bacaan tersebut dan bacaan ringan membantu melegakan kesesakan tersebut. 

Perumpamaan yang saya boleh katakan ialah bacaan ringan @ junk reading itu macam fast food. Terlalu banyak kita ambil, boleh menjejaskan kesihatan. Sama juga dengan bacaan, terlalu banyak junk reading, boleh melemahkan minda. Tetapi kalau sekali-sekala, apa salahnya. Akhirnya, pilihan di tangan sendiri… 

Saya seorang yang sedikit adventurous dalam pembacaan. Saya akan cuba membaca buku-buku yang dicadangkan oleh rakan-rakan. Sekiranya saya tidak suka apa yang saya baca, saya tidak akan baca lagi. Tetapi kalau penulis tersebut kegemaran rakan saya, saya tidak akan mempengaruhinya untuk berhenti meminati penulis tersebut. Vice versa. Sekiranya penulis kegemaran saya tidak diminati oleh rakan saya, saya menerima dengan lapang dada. Bak kata emak, jari kita pun tak sama panjang. Kita hidup dalam Negara yang merdeka dan Perlembagaan Persekutuan membenarkan kita membuat pilihan. Jadi…berlapang dada dan minda…